Be sure to ask the SAME questions for every person you are going to interview:
Start off with letting them ask any questions they have at the start, so you're both on the same page to start off with.
"Tell me about a time in your career when you "had to find data to make a decision?"
"Who was the best manager you've ever had?"
"Have you ever wanted to do something so badly that you were unstoppable in pursuing it?"
"What's hardest part of working on a team for you? Or makes you the happiest?"
"Is there something you have geeked out about?"
"What did you actually do? What were you thinking? What was the result?"
Ask for old managers names and references during the interview, so the defense barriers don't come up afterwards. Warm into it.
If you're not satisfied with any answers, push and dig deeper. Try looking for STAR answers. What was the (S)ituation or Task, what was their (A)ction taken and the (R)esult?
It's okay to interrupt them if an answer is long-winded and not going anywhere.
Get your team, network, customers, partners and suppliers to help you source a person who can do ABC for XYZ and reward them with 123.:
"Who are the most talented people you know that I should hire?"
"Who are the rising stars you know?"
Look for resumes that:
Refers to measurable contribution to the organization.
Determination, drive, dreams and aspiration
Red flag such as employment gaps, job changes that are not promotions.
Sell. Make sure you find out what is most important to them, how do we fit his or her goals and values, and stay connected with them and assume they have other offers. Show them you want them part of the family, not just before the offer, but ongoing. Fail to do this and you'll end up losing them.
Happy Hiring.